The Dagana clan lives on a large network of floating huts, anchored to tall pillars of rock emerging from the sea near the shore of Oro-oro-ponoro-poron. They worship Dagana the Azure Death, an old blue dragon several centuries past her prime. As long as Dagana lives, her namesake clan will remain strong - but scheming has already begun among the clan’s members to ensure that their favored dragon will take Dagana’s place when she passes.
Dagana the Azure Death created the Dagana clan after gaining a large following for her prowess in battle. As her clan grew in size and devotion, Dagana led them to countless victories. Now, in her senility, she is too weak to go to war, and the Dagana clan has not won a battle in over a hundred years. Many members of the clan resent Dagana’s age and wish for the clan’s glorious past to return, while others have departed the Dagana clan in favor of other clans, thinking the clan doomed.
Crash Home
Crash Home, named for the crashing waves that beat against the rocks, is built on wooden posts and rafts nestled among natural pillars of stone rising from the water. All of the Dagana clan resides at Crash Home, although it is in fact the third dwelling of the clan - the previous two were destroyed during storms. Crash Home was built with this in mind, and so is more resilient to strong winds and tall waves.