Day's End
Day’s End is a foresting outpost located near the Evening Horizon in the province of Andal. Day’s End hosts a modest population of 800 - mostly foresters, but also millers, blacksmiths, and farmers. Most of the population lives inside the walls, but about 100 live on the farms outside.
Due to the Eclipses that occur every night at sunset, some of their dark magic leaks into the peoples’ daily lives. Animals, plants, and fungi are all affected by it, giving rise to basilisks that can turn animals to stone and deadly fungi that spread by airborne spores. A druid can also draw on this power to fuel their magic, becoming a Druid of the Eclipse; however, it is a highly corrupting influence and only one druid has ever been known to use it and maintain their good nature. As such, the practice of Eclipse magic is forbidden in Day’s End and the crime is punishable by death.
West of Day’s End is a large forest known as the Elking Wood. Many think it is so called for the elk that can be hunted there, but in fact it is named for a great elven king that once ruled the forest. Wood is cut from this forest and carted back to the populous cities in the eastern plains, but collecting wood is not the outpost’s only task; it is also stocked to keep watch on the forest and ensure that no nightborn creatures stray too close to civilization and cause trouble.
Day’s End is built inside the 25-foot stone walls of an ancient elven palace. Most of the buildings inside were destroyed centuries ago, but the outside wall and the central tower, now the Mayoral Seat, survived. Most have since forgotten that any parts of the town existed before it was reclaimed by nature 300 years ago.
Underneath the town, the ancient elven council chambers have also survived the centuries and are accessible via an imposing door under the town’s prison. See Mayoral Seat and the Dungeon of Day’s End.
At the heart of Day’s End is an ongoing market where farmers, crafters, and peddlers all sell their wares.